help a horse who is grieving

How to Help a Horse who is Grieving over Loss

Grief can strike when a horse loses another horse, a family pet who gave them a lot of attention, or a human in their lives. Horses are social animals, and just like humans, they can experience grief when they lose a companion. 

If you have a horse who is grieving over a loss, here are some ways you can help:

Give them time to adjust: Just like humans, horses need time to process their emotions and adjust to changes in their environment. Give your horse some time to grieve and be patient with them as they go through this process.

Provide companionship: Horses are social animals and thrive on companionship. If your horse has lost a companion, consider introducing a new horse into their environment, if possible. This can help provide them with the companionship they need and can help them feel less alone.

Maintain a routine: Horses thrive on routine, and maintaining a consistent daily routine can help provide them with a sense of stability during a difficult time. Stick to their regular feeding, turnout, and exercise schedule as much as possible.

Show extra attention and care: During the process of healing from grief, horses may need some extra attention and care from their human caretakers. Spend some extra time grooming and interacting with your horse, and consider providing them with some special treats or toys to help lift their spirits.

Consider consulting with a veterinarian or equine behaviorist: If your horse is experiencing prolonged grief or is showing signs of depression or other behavioral changes. You may also wish to contact a telepath, like Lydia Hiby. An animal communicator can reach out and share with your horse some insight into the situation as well as provide you with information on what might help them feel better.

And while we may be more aware of situations where a horse will grieve the loss of another horse who moved away or passed away, it is not uncommon for a horse to grieve over the loss of a human. Here are some ways you can help a horse cope with the loss of a human:

Provide comfort: Spend time with the horse and offer comfort through gentle strokes, soothing words, and a calm presence. Horses often find solace in human touch and will appreciate the companionship during a difficult time.

When your horse is grieving, sing to them, comfort them, give them new things to do…

Allow time for grieving: Horses need time to process their emotions, so be patient and understanding. Allow the horse to express their grief in their own way, whether it’s through whinnying, pacing, or withdrawal.

Provide distractions: Engage the horse in activities that they enjoy, such as grazing, playing, or training. This will provide a positive outlet for their energy and help distract them from their grief. Introduce a new animal if it seems right, like this adorable cat.

Seek professional help: If the horse is experiencing severe distress or showing signs of depression, it may be beneficial to seek the help of a veterinarian, a telepath, or an equine behavior specialist.

Remember, every horse is different, and the grieving process can vary from horse to horse. By providing your horse with extra love, attention, and support, you can help them through this time and help them adjust to their new normal.