
How Horses Show Affection & How Do I Know if My Horse Loves Me?

How Do Horses Show Affection?

When I would drive up to the ranch to see my beloved Dakotah, he would whinny right as I got out of the car. It was like he knew I was coming. Are you a horse owner or a horse lover in general who often wonders how horses show affection? This affection can be directed toward fellow horses or even humans. In the case of animals, it can be a little tricky to distinguish if the animal is simply comfortable in your company or genuinely showing affection. Horses are considered to be more social than other animals. They find great joy in being surrounded by other animals as well as human beings. Horses are also known to develop deep connections with other horses and with their human companions too.

Horses Show Affection in Many Ways

There is a multitude of ways horses show affection. Some horses express their love by behaving in a cuddly way and wanting to be surrounded by you at all times. Whereas some horses really like their space but like to receive a warm and friendly pat from time to time. As a horse owner, you will observe that horses have different personalities and quirks, just like humans. Some can be more introverted than others, while some are more extroverted. One way to get to know your horse is to spend time with it and note how they respond to your presence.


Horses show affection to humans and might express their love towards other horses, plus the psychology behind the way horses show affection.

Understanding horse psychology can help you a great deal while trying to bond with your horse. Domesticated horses and wild horses have different ways of communicating with humans and their world. The former is not as instinctive as their wild counterparts because they adapted to fit and communicate easily with human society. On the contrary, horses who live in the wild generally live in large groups called herds. Horses have always been social beings, and one herd will have between three and twenty horses. Other herds can also have more than twenty horses. Horses follow a strict hierarchy and everybody has to play their part to ensure the group’s wellbeing. Communication between horses primarily happens through vocalization, touch, and body language.

Animals that live in large groups often have a strong bond between the members. Similar to the dynamics of a human family, horses form deep connections with each other to make sure that the balance is maintained. Horses tend to show affection towards other members of the herd to help strengthen and sustain their relationships.

Horses show affection with each other too! @horsepersonified is on YouTube!

Different Ways that Horses Show Affection

Horses are very loving creatures. They like to show their love to both horses and humans. Common ways in which horses show affection are vocalization, mutual grooming, touching, nuzzling, and body language, to name a few.

Horses will not be hesitant to show love to someone they have grown fond of. Domesticated horses learn that humans aren’t very fond of mutual grooming, so they don’t use this way to show their love. This is, however, a very loving and caring gesture between horses.

How to Tell Your Horse Loves You?

Showing affection varies from horse to horse. This is also true for horse breeds. Some breeds, such as the Arabian, are sharp and perceptible, unlike Shire horses that are more relaxed and slow. A good horse owner allows the horse the freedom to express love and communicate the way they wish to.

Calling to You

Horses that are fond of you will often start nickering or neighing when they catch sight of you. This is a way many horses can express their excitement upon seeing the person they like. Vocalization is a positive sign which implies that the horse considers you as its friend and wants to be in your company more often.

horses showing affection

Wanting to Be Near You

Similarly, if a horse likes you, it will approach you without being scared of you. This means that the horse has acknowledged your presence and wants to be near you. Horses are simple creatures and don’t give a lot of attention to things that don’t interest them.

Nudging and Nibbling


Mutual grooming is not a possible option of showing love to humans, and horses understand that being sharp animals. Instead, they will start to nudge and nibble lightly at you to show you physical affection, as physical affection is an extraordinary way of expressing love amongst horses. The horse might also want to get your attention by nibbling gently at you, which is a good sign. Physical affection allows horses to strengthen their bonds with horses and humans. Nudging and nibbling are also very likely to happen in the middle of a grooming session.

Resting Head on Your Shoulder

The next way of expressing love is when the horse rests its head over your shoulder or gently presses its forehead against your chest. This means that the horse feels safe in your company and trusts you as its friend. Sometimes, the horse might even close their eyes to confirm this. This gesture has been noticed in both wild and domesticated horses.

However, you need to be careful when the horse does that because this position can be dangerous if not handled properly. Large animals such as horses are prone to jerking, and their reactions can be unannounced and cause injury to the human.

Feeling Relaxed Around You

Horses will let you know when they feel safe in your company. Displays of affection and trust usually involve the horse relaxing in your presence, falling asleep, or resting on its hind leg.  Large animals become defenseless once they lie down and let their guard down, so a horse doing that in your company means it trusts you.

Blowing Air into Your Face

Another surprising way horses show affection is by blowing gently through the nostrils into the human’s face. This is a gesture that implies great trust, love, and camaraderie.

Some horses who didn’t have a loving childhood might be suspicious of new people and environment and require extra emotional labor. They can be jumpy and anxious in the company of people they don’t trust. In the company of such horses, it is best to be patient and consistent with your acts of love and kindness. However, don’t forget that you cannot force an animal to be affectionate towards you, but you can always try. Don’t get on the horse’s bad side by trying too hard but make sure you don’t let the horse walk all over you as well. Have realistic expectations in the end.

Just like humans, some horses can be tricky too. But, that doesn’t mean horses cannot be affectionate creatures. Horses have their unique ways of displaying affection, and you need to observe what works best for your horse.

If you aren’t sure, be still and quiet near your horse and don’t ask for validation. Don’t ask for anything. Just be. So often humans demand and then request and then almost bully a horse to respond. When you stop pushing and allow the horse to show affection in his or her own personal way — beauty unfolds.