
Seven Tips for Telepathic Horse Communication

Horses communicate with images, as many experienced horse people can attest. Is telepathic horse communication possible? One time a horse said “I hate carrots.” Of course, this seemed wild. How could that be? The owner validated: his teeth are getting older and he likes soft food. Another horse when asked: “Please warm my grain year-round.” It seems the horse only was given hot water in his supplements during the winter! And another case: A horse asked “What about the blankets?” and as it turned out, everyone in the stable was blanketed except this horse, whose owner didn’t think he would like it. Well, he noticed. She began blanketing after that.

Listening to a horse can have exceptional benefits. When a horse experiences that sense of being heard – even if you don’t act on every message – it generates a sense of calm relief. All of these situations are intended as entertainment and for enjoyment, and there are no guarantees when it comes to communicating telepathically with animals. Here are a few tips learned over 25+ years of communicating with horses!

My fam

Here are seven tips to strengthen the telepathic connection with your equine companion

  1. For Better Telepathic Horse Communication, Quiet Your Mind: Horses are highly sensitive to our energy. Before attempting telepathic communication, find a calm space and quiet your mind through meditation or deep breathing. This allows you to focus on your horse and receive their messages clearly. Let go of what you know. Let go of preconceived notions, like certainty over what they like or why they are demonstrating certain behaviors. Right before the communication, quiet and allow listening to be possible.
  2. Deepen the Bond: Trust is key to any communication, telepathic or otherwise. Spend quality time with your horse, grooming them, offering treats, or simply enjoying their presence. Having said this, it can be easier to start with trading communications with friends. Let someone else communicate with your horse, and you communicate with a friend’s horse. Trust is vital, but also, sometimes you can’t quite let go of what you “know” and then you can’t hear what they are trying to share. When you groom, see if you can listen for where they loved to be groomed the most. One time a horse with a matted mane asked for them all to be combed out gently. We used cowboy detangler in big amounts and combed out the matted parts. This gave way for more ease and comfort. Knots in one’s hair are not comfortable for people or horses!

  3. Visualize Your Horse: Close your eyes and create a clear mental picture of the horse. See the details, their coat, their expression. This visualization helps establish a connection and opens the doorway to telepathic communication.

  4. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Instead of demanding answers, approach your horse with curiosity. Silently ask questions about their feelings, needs, or any discomfort they might have. Be patient and open to receiving the answer in the form of emotions, images, or even physical sensations.
  5. Pay Attention to Body Language: Horses are masters of nonverbal communication. While attempting telepathic contact, observe their body language for additional clues. Are their ears pricked with interest? Is their tail swishing nervously? These physical signs can validate or expand on the messages you receive telepathically. If a horse doesn’t wish to communicate they may point their butt at you. If no humans have ever spoken to the horse telepathically, it may take some time to be able to have it work. Others are very chatty and will display eagerness and excitement at the prospect of telepathic communication.

  6. Practice, Practice, Practice: Like any skill, telepathic communication takes time and dedication. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t experience earth-shattering insights right away. The more you practice, the clearer and more nuanced your communication with horses will become.

  7. Trust Your Intuition: Sometimes the messages from your horse will be subtle. A fleeting image, a sudden feeling – learn to trust your gut instinct. As your telepathic connection grows, these intuitive nudges will become clearer and more reliable.

Remember, horse telepathic communication is a journey, not a destination. By following these tips and nurturing your bond with your horse, you can unlock a deeper level of understanding and create a truly special relationship. These practices work with most animals. Don’t be afraid to have a conversation, they are always listening!!

If you would like to work on your capacity for telepathic communication in a series of coaching sessions, please send a message to Erica @ Horsepersonified.com. We can meet by zoom and see if an individualized in-depth horse communication program would be a fit. Or you can just contact for a one-time appointment to communicate with your horses.

horse psychic